It would be better.... 用法是情態動詞的麼?_知道 提問者採納: 是一種習慣性用法. it may be better to do it could be better to do 這些說法也都有的,都表示....可能(或許)會更好,表示一種猜測,通常不確定的時候,建議的時候都會用這種。
it would be better to_例句_句子_短句 - 例句在线翻译 - 爱词霸 爱词霸英语句库为广大英语学习爱好者提供it would be better to的例句、it would be better to的短句、it would be better to的例句翻译、it would be better to的短句 ...
假設語氣的回答Would it be better if.. - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ Would it be better if we just went with your friends. 我朋友想用Yes,it would be better....回答 但答案顯示要用I think that would be better if .... 您的回答是 ...
I think it will be better if we can meet tomorrow? I think it will be better if we can meet tomorrow or day after tomorrow. I believe Jane will also be there because she has some leaves before he next exam. I will ...
grammar - "It would be better if you drink/drank all the water ... 14 Jul 2012 ... It would be better if you drink all the water. It would be better if you drank all the water. The question is, obviously, about the use of the past ...
would it not be better if - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange 16 Mar 2011 ... non-native speaker here and I have problems with the following sentence. 'My friend asks if it would not be better for you to come here.'.
it would be better to... vs it will be better to ... Hello. 1.It would be better to tell her the truth. 2.It will be better to tell her the truth. What's the difference between these? Thanks in advance.
would or will be better if we had or have ... tomorrow ... So I email them saying, 1. It would be better if each of us had a hardcopy tomorrow. 2. It will be better if each of us has a hardcopy tomorrow.
I thought it would be better if, they could talk to you – Window - Genius Most of the time in interventions like on the A&E TV show, they family members and friends air out their feelings and ask the person to get help. The doctor takes ...
Steve Berman: It would be better if.. – Steve Berman (Skit) [MMLP] Steve Berman: It would be better if you gave me nothing at all. Eminem: Wh- Steve Berman: This album is less than nothing. I can't sell this fucking record